Tuesday, March 1, 2011

List Of High Carb Foods

Jasmine Revolution

Small contribution to the Arab Spring of Nations ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Play Cube Field Last Level

153 - In the restaurant here, takes its gas!

I can not resist the urge to tell our story from last night ...
We went to the restaurant, the schooner, for not naming him, to mark two anniversaries.
There are several tables occupied and we, we are four. We'll order ...
So far so good, it gives us an aperitif. Then ... nothing ...
After "some time", the server has to tell us that they flew their gas cylinders and they can not cook!

Even if we are in a department "A little prehistoric," this may be hard to do without!

Desperate times, desperate measures, it still does not leave here without dinner!
Dominica offers them to go get at home.

Fifteen, twenty minutes later, the two men are back and give the bottle to cook.
In fact, it was not a flight!
They had just finished their bottles and did not have advance!

must be in Guyana to see that!

At the end of the meal, they gave us back our bottle and told us he had not used a lot!
But they still offered us a drink.

We must go back in two weeks for another birthday. We call ahead to see if we should bring its gas !!!!!!!!!

What Is The Best Size For Scanning Slides

152 - laborious, these small red flies ...

It has been several weeks that we are fighting against a nest of flies (wasps?) Who makes his home under the house. We have repeatedly closed their "doors" with with spackle. Nothing helps. Very quickly, it eats up the coating and rebuilding their nest.

Some mornings, we are invaded by a cloud of these insects flying red walks around the deck. It's impressive. Fortunately, they do not sting. And besides, they are not at all on the terrace or in the house. But anyway!

We do not see much in the picture, but believe me, there are thousands.

We'll try this time to condemn the entrance of the squat with cement. Continued ...

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151 - February watered.

past four and a half years that we're here, I've never been so "cold"! 21 to 23 and 27 ° in the morning, 28 degrees around noon. For a while, I'd better like many here. I would put out a "sweater" ... except I did not!

Last night, Dominic said, on entering the room: "Gee, the air conditioning does not work!" Except it was only in the warmer room, with air conditioning (we Let's get to 25 °) than in the living room completely open to the garden ...
A shame! He took down the air conditioning to 24 degrees (I was cold at night!) For the sole purpose of draining a little air from the room because it's obviously the rain falling in torrents, that We owe these temperatures "winter"!

This month of February is in fact particularly well watered. And not only water but also with champagne! (We have many birthdays to celebrate ... Do, JM, F, C, Ph, M.!)