Friday, October 16, 2009

Gloryholes In Jacksonville Fl

Labonté made by hand in the bag

We all remember that famous campaign Benoit Labonté January 2009, when his face appeared on all bus shelters, on buses and in subways. A campaign that does not reflect a sudden craze of the population, but support suddenly one man: Tony Accurso. It

first an article Fabrice de Pierrebourg published on 30 September, on the excellent and very independent , which reported the meeting between Labonte and Accurso that would took place March 17, 2008 in a restaurant in Old Montreal. Labonte then denied . New revelations have clarified the circumstances of this encounter, and Fabrice de Pierrebourg is returned to the charge Friday morning with this article , which describes the amounts paid over $ 100 000.

Again, Benoit Labonte to denied at a news conference Friday at 13h, alongside Louise Harel, and has even threatened to sue.

Friday night, the carnage is the Vision for Toronto, which because of corruption and irregularities of its main battle cry since the beginning of this campaign.

is a first confirmation from the Radio-Canada, David Gentile, with an anonymous source close to former Benoit Labonte, who says "The principle is the money coming . X-ray source and the entourage of Labonte ask the world: "I give you $ 500 or $ 1,000 cash, make party or a check in return. "It's like that." other words, money laundering to fatten the coffers.

Then, the article by Fabrice de Pierrebourg was redesigned to 21h, and As is now: Survey - Benoît Labonté was financially supported by Tony Accurso , and this survey VAT reports of an envelope containing $ 25 000 in cash would have been accepted Benoit Labonté, money from "d a firm that is involved in the scandal of water meters today, "according to the source of this investigation.

Is Labonte resign at the end-of-week? This will still be special to see our candidates to discuss the issue pre-recorded Thursday Everyone speaks without this episode is recounted. The real blow-cons will certainly happen during the debate Monday Radio-Canada . We can then see that tempers flare.

No wonder most of the disdain of citizens when they are told that is a candidate for municipal elections. "All the same, a gain of corrupt". We'd like to say that is precisely those who want things to change. But this is, again, that the word of a politician!


Saturday afternoon, again denied to Labonte, but announced he was resigning from his post as opposition leader for "do not overshadow Louise Harel. Louise Harel continued to believe his no.2 saying she "was at his side." VAT but arrived with evidence that Labonte and Accurso were beautiful and well spoken, at least seven phone calls.

Sunday, we learn that Louise Harel shows the door to Benoit Labonté . It was Pierre Lampron, a resident of Outremont, who succeeded him as no.2 Vision Montreal. End of serial. Hats off to Fabrice de Pierrebourg and , whose excellent work has still made headlines Journal de Montreal , they are still locked out.


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