Sunday, October 4, 2009

Multipacation Chart-100x100

Against conversion at 1420 Mount Royal Avenue into condos

On fervent proponent of greater access to the river (watch the videos of my previous publications), I turn now to the issues that mark the campaign for mayor Borough of Outremont, addressing the issue at 1420 Boulevard du Mont-Royal.

Fate of Mount Royal is more closely related than is that of "sea front". There, in the absence of opportunities on the river, immense pressure exerted on real estate properties located on Mount Royal. Thus, greed has pushed the University of Montreal to break the moral contract she had with the congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary . Remember, the University has acquired their building in 2003 to pursue the educational mission that the Sisters were given. In preparing its sales Real Estate Group F. Catania & Associates Inc.. , the same promoters involved in the project Faubourg Contrecoeur ( mysteriously burned April 10, 2009) in which the media have talked a lot last spring, the UDM is acting like a common dealer profits by appropriating the Sisters might have done, and goes completely against the principles that allowed him to conclude the purchase.

The 1420 is not the only building coveted around the Mont Royal. More recently, it was the other side of Mont Royal, the philosophy seminary Sulpicians, also known as Marianopolis, which was the subject of debate on the future of large institutional complexes located "Mountainside". But the government opening up to such projects creates a dangerous precedent which could open the door to the transformation of a dozen other sites of religious heritage and hospitable. Could be among the next victims on the coast of the Dominican convent of St. Catherine, the Royal Victoria Hospital, and even the College of Montreal, to name them.

In an open letter entitled "The mountain shrinks " published July 14, 2009 in La Presse , Marcel Côté, a partner at SECOR, intervening personal capacity, said: Each generation has its "the Poor" Sulpicians, and to support them, its mayors and chambers of commerce who love construction. But there is a mountain in Montreal, and unfortunately, from generation to generation, it shrinks like a trickle.

pretext that in every generation there will be "the Poor" stuck with huge land they can no longer profitable for their activities, whenever we privatize chunks of land that will result in distort the very concept that made Mount Royal a trait that contributes the uniqueness of Montreal, a green mountain in the heart of downtown.

The problem of reckless race towards greed is not new, since even the fable of the 18th century has so well illustrated:

The goose that lays golden eggs, by Jean de la Fontaine

Avarice loses while wanting to win everything.
I do not want to testify
than that Hen, said that the Fable
Laid every day an egg of gold.
He thought in her body she was a treasure.
He killed her, opened it, and found similar
In those eggs not brought him anything,
Having himself taken off the finest of his property.
During these days how many have we seen
Who from dusk to dawn are poor became
too soon To want to be rich

must be limited and mentor projects on Mount Royal, because if we left to market forces without barriers, and that we develop the piece, we will erode or eliminate what makes this jewel of Mont Royal it is, and kill our hen that lays golden eggs . The administration of Outremont has a primary responsibility toward the public good and should play its full part to warn the central city and the government of Quebec against the pernicious effects of this trend is irreversible and laissez-faire.

is why I support the initiative of citizens of Outremont, defenders of Mount Royal , (See online petition ) and some professor at the University of Montreal , and strongly oppose the change of use and sale of land in Catania. The University of Montreal could certainly find another use for this building, transforming residential college affiliated, for example, as became for the Barnard College of Columbia University in New York .

Developers will eventually understand that they can put their potential lot better looking side of the river, rather than the mountain.

- Montreal Memory Project on the draft reassignment of the building at 1420 Mount Royal


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