Saturday, September 18, 2010

Can Pinot Noir Be Kept For Several Years?

Go Green! Positive attitude

Finally some good news from France!
After the shame and terror of recent weeks, we find the smile with the good news: the Greens at the top of League 1! But what does that have to do Lillois results of the ASSE, the reader asks incredulously?
Here we must confess a lie by omission: the Sticks in America are actually Etienne.
Yes, yes, we confess: our heaps called slag heaps and they say more often than biloute darling. Too young to have experienced the Epoch Times, we drank the shame of being Etienne throughout our childhood. And today, after winning the Superbowl, we can finally proudly support our hometown team ! Fantastic.
Thanks guys.

for the occasion, you spend a good rap video for us! (Thank you Greg)


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