Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dance Lyrical Costumes

Return Of Cajun

This Monday was Labor Day: Labor Day USA, that is to say the day of the year when all sellers are at work. We
, we went to the Cajuns. Elfi had spotted a Zydeco festival in Saint Martinville, southeast of Lafayette with a night in a cabin to Breaux Bridg e . The Zydeco is like Cajun music, but even more pot, with accordion, electric guitar, nasal voice and often two washboard. Typically played by blacks in the bayou, the "music of Zaricot is also appreciated by everyone. Much of the directory is in Cajun French. It looks like this:

festival Actually, it s 'Rather, a party acting village: children, grannies and grandpas, little young, amateurs Sunday, experienced dancers and not a tourist. It must be said that through Saint Martinville we remember that Louisiana is the state's poorest countries ... mobile homes rotten roofs held down, windows broken, kids on the sidewalks. But the ball was super nice and good atmosphere with jambalaya, red beans and rice, light beer. The big surprise of the weekend, the public: the first time in three years that we see blacks and whites dancing, talking, joking together. Girls were more skilled than us in the ripples and lame ...

The next day, Lee, a guy who rents the cabin next door, explained that there are parties like this in every village of the country and that Cajun do not miss an: up to four balls a weekend! And invite us right away to his dance club ...
the evening, tired of zydeco, we will eat fish at Mulates , the culinary institution of Breaux Bridge, where we have right ... a concert of Cajun music. Still dancers, accordion and washboard. But here the musicians are white and there is also a violinist. And now the people of next table began to speak French!
short the next day, after breakfast 'Chez Jacqueline', we decide to exercise our bodies numb on the wooded trails of Lake Fausse Pointe State Park. This is one of the wildest places in Louisiana, along the Atchafalaya Basin impenetrable. Alas! No sooner have we made thirty yards that most rabid of the clouds of mosquitoes back on us. It's the sprint that we join the reassuring coolness of the air-conditioned car. Anyway, moments later, the heavy clouds open and pour all over the bayou waters of heaven.
So to console us, it was purchased a car ... a way to celebrate Labor Day by driving up sales of the car dealer.

is anyway a good upgrade, right?


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