Thursday, November 11, 2010

Removing White Wine From Velvet Sofa

143 - "Our Island" Leaping Hermina with Maikel.

We decided to go back over a weekend and especially to spend the night. We will go this time with Edmond and Josy with whom we had already made a few trips in 2007.
http://docler.blogspot .com/2007/11/59-le-surinam-e.html
They returned to Guyana for a month and are always willing to release.

Here's our program.

Depart by car to St Lawrence APATOU and, like last Sunday, we get Maikel before the Office of Tourism.
An hour and a half back to the dugout Maroni through two or three "jumps" (= fast) NASON up at the foot of the mountain of the same name.
Picnic en route to a village or on a sandbar in the shade.
Late afternoon and night on "Maikel Island.
Sunday morning walk through the forest to the creek "Cassagnan" for fish for Aymara.
Lunch on "our island", nap and swim.
Back Apatou.

Here is the summary in pictures.
The point of rendezvous.

We parked the car and we discharge our business ...

Boarding the canoe Maikel . His small company is called " TAPOUDAN TOUR "
06 94 22 99 15 (Guyana)
890 00 597 9014 (Surinam)

Leaving Apatou and police ...

Maikel left the bar to Hermann, a boatman in his village.

We meet many canoes. Plexi heel.

And speed, it's mind-blowing ...

True maze of rocks and small islands ... How do they navigate? It reminds me of the Gulf of Morbihan. You really have to navigate the corner. Indeed, sometimes they are confused and we saw a couple of wrecks canoe!

The Maroni is a real highway ... Everything is done by boat.

Travel ...

freight transport ...

This one is awfully loaded ...

The Fishing ...

Even dogs are part ... !

transport freezer ...

transport fuel ...

... sometimes intended to panning for gold, legal or illegal ...

transport of tourists ...

military surveillance ...

And do not forget the school bus on weekdays. Some children take the boat at 5:30 in the morning to get to Apatou and are back in their villages to 14.30.

Throughout our walk, we immerse ourselves in life on the River.

Children fishing.

Cleaning nets.

Dishes and laundry.

Preparation of sugarcane.

Panning for gold is also present on the Maroni.

The barge moves a lot of sandbars, which makes navigation more difficult.

It was destroyed by the French army as it was not legal.

Both engines in the village of Langatabiki (Surinam) are also intended for miners.

This barge is brand new and will start on the Maroni River in search of "good vein" of gold.


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