Monday, November 1, 2010

Walls Versus Carhartt

142 - A small island on the Maroni just for us ...

It is finally walks resume ...
I offered to two families of our friends come with us spend the day on the tiny island of Maïkkel (06 94 22 99 15) on the Maroni River in Apatou, in the middle of the jump Hermina. Program: Fishing, swimming and relaxing ...
Dominica prepares his equipment ...

There are only three years, we could not reach that in 2 hours Apatou canoe. Now there is a road (see map in blue), pierced in the Amazon that allows us to rally Apatou in 45 minutes. See the construction of this road on my blog # 1:

We ship to the tourist office.
Maroni That is fine, under the blazing sun.

We pass the "Jump Hermina" very easily at this time of year. This is not always so easy. Everywhere there are rocks, currents and cons, extremely strong currents. Moreover, there is one thing to do in the passages of hops: "Trusting the boatman!

Then it's dead calm. The scenery is magnificent.

we come to "our island" ...
Barely landed, our 6 fish with Maïkkel men leave.
And we, the three women are alone on "Maïkkel island". We are lost in the middle of the cascade Hermina. Beware of currents. Let us be cautious, stay near the edge.
it is good to refresh ... if you can say it like that, because water is almost hot ...
The island is just big enough for carbets. One for stewardship, the other on stilts, for sleeping.
return from fishing, which was not miraculous (A tiger fish, a spotted seatrout, two and a piraïs other "unnamed"!), we prepare the barbecue lunch.
Then it's nap. In some hammocks, water, for others.

But there are dishes to do .... and who gets stuck?
Well, and if we rescued a little before leaving ... but this time, small fish for the aquarium JL How are enticed to Apatou? (Do humor!). A crumb of bread.
And it works! Proof!
Unfortunately, with the heat, they survive Not long into this bucket. Fortunately, Maïkkel has managed to resuscitate. How? By shaking his tail in the water! Bravo Maïkkel!
But all good things come to an end. Then it's back to Apatou, then to St Lawrence.
But we will return. Sure. Maybe even next weekend. but to sleep this time.


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