Monday, February 14, 2011

Herpes On Paper Toilet

150 - Angouleme Guyana

We invited to the 60 years of a friend who lives in "Angouleme". It is a wonderful site that I've already visited: C3% AAme

... but we never tire of it so beautiful. His property overlooks a bend in the river Mana. This is done by a forest track 4 to 5 km. We are 50 km of St Lawrence.

Mary is passionate about plants. His garden is a delight to the eyes.



orchids ...

Her house is all wood from Guyana.

We hang our hammocks with other guests.

makeshift roofs are installed above the tables because we are in the rainy season ...

Preparations in full swing ...

Women in the kitchen ...

A man with a sound system ...

And the fun begins ...

is also the feast the frog. Mary loves these little frogs. She found three in the evening that came to stay in the kitchen.

Besides, it rains so much that we need every 5 minutes to empty the pockets of water formed on canvas, lest they collapse. Good laugh about ...

To your Health, Maryse! And Happy Birthday.

Good humor is a must.

And around 3am, everyone in bed!

wake up, the sight of the hut is beautiful.

Around 9:30, four of us leave for a walk in the forest with Didier ... and GPS. He takes us to a creek that he discovered and named it "slides".
dogs Maryse, ALBERT CAROLUS and follow us. They do not want to miss the opportunity to hunt in the forest.

... but where is Carolus?

soon as we enter the forest, it is very dark. The sky is overcast and the canopy does not let much light.

Some flowers are still enliven the journey.

We admire the majestic trees: Kimboto, Wacapou, cigar-Maho, Maho red palm all genres some of which are very pungent. Dominique made the painful experience by taking foot in a root and spreading it ...

We arrive at the creek. It runs on a very long slide of granite. The water is very clear and very refreshing.

We are resting for a while and ....

After three hours of walking, we find Maryse and other guests in a field near the giblets

We quickly abandon their tasting of foie gras ... And yes, it is self-indulgent, even in the woods!
We return to the main track but the track we loupons Creek Didier much shortening the path to the house. While we were enjoying the passage of friends who also come to the party. I go to the cabin and Dominique goes to the back of the pickup. "Bonne chance," my faith, because there was still some way to go.

Many new guests arrive gradually and we trust in table.
Maryse, excellent cook prepared us lots of good things. Some of us also participated in providing our personal touch. Cream cupuaƧu, chocolate mousse, cake, chocolate cake ... For me, of course, far breton , Breton cake (with wax), coconut rocks (with white !)...

We almost remain stuck in place because a tree fell on the runway.
All men "valid" start with a chainsaw to clear it.

We return, we, before the night after a last time and with Mary, do a little turn in the forest because she wanted to show us a beautiful orchid ready to bloom and a very beautiful tree.

Thank you, Mary for this wonderful gastronomic weekend, full of encounters, and friendship.


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