Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gpsphone Cheats Pokemon Saphir

Finally the weekend!!

Hello girls, how are you this weekend? ...
I am rare in that time, I know ... but even if I do not give a systematic trace of my passage on your blogs, know that I am walking regularly at home (I have only a little bit lazy you put a little note I start my !...)
5th month of pregnancy, and with the heat we have right now, I'm still a little on the ball ... but I nap almost every afternoon ... which does not leave me much time for scrapbooking ...
Wednesday, I got a little trick that made me more fun and give me that desire to make a page.
one exchange, here is what I send MABACO , beautiful flowers and beautiful Prima! This is by far my favorite, I love them !!...
Judge for yourself as I have been spoiled!

These are beautiful ...

grooosse and this beautiful flower, is not it sublime??

It not only spoils me, but I'm more honored to share this beautiful card ... Mabaco knows, really love his style, and I can not stress enough for you to go take a detour from her, romance and sweetness are waiting for you, then go for it!

Now the page made with a small proportion of flowers and a picture of Tajah.
It took me 1 hour to achieve it ... okay for someone who is not too motivated !?!...

The little details that go ...

Some more blah-blah ...
my pleasure and great honor to announce that I have not one, not two but nothing that môaaahhh 3 DK! If Madam!
And as I come to the moment you talk about MABACO , know that it's one of those 3 nénette.
For the next little paper youngish freshly landed in China, I appoint Emeline, aka DIDINE.B IZ . I like his style fresh and original. For my
tite'dernière, another talented scrapbooker who is none other than Amy, aka Qiu. Like everything on any style of this chick!

Well, since the time I had to announce it, it's done! ...

Finally, two pictures (taken last Sunday at the beach) with my boots Love nothing but me alone.

Voili voilou Nenets, you know everything, or almost! ... J'vous bizoutes tenderly,
Sam ...


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