Monday, May 19, 2008

Northface Petite Jackets

Page "Sardine" and cards for Mothers

Hello girls.
You've got to know Sardine, one of our 3 cats. Here it is now scrap. This photo was taken the day of his arrival here, beginning last July.
Zia is the Sardine graaaande girlfriend! Sardine and the graaaaande girlfriend Zia!

Now I show you my little cards made last night's Day Moms ... So one for my mom, and another for the mother of Eric.
I hope it will please them.
So for the structure, I got the plastic in which was in felt embellishments.

For the rest, I just "dressed" the board cardstock paper, ribbons etc, and photo chips of course!

And the back cover

That's over.
The next episode ... A very good all week, I bisouuuute loudly.


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