Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where Is The Prison Warden On Poptropica

Page "Zia, my Betty Boop"

Hello, or rather good evening ...
Much the race for me today ... I have just enough time to show you made this page for the blog Focus on Scrap . It should scrap
2 identical photos, one color and one black & white.
You can also see all the other entries on the Flickr gallery
voilou So ... I'm super speed because I have to go tite get my chip Zia who was carried off the pins today (for those who have followed these adventures, I do not go into details)

Kisses and perhaps later by the end of the day.

Recycling Idea:
= red star on the cardboard packaging Heineken
orange faux flower = cook an old belt, Betty Boop image
= box panties child
orange fabric flower = decomposition of a bouquet of artificial flowers.


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